The elliptic lattice KdV revisited: challenges and redeeming features


报告人:Frank Nijhoff 教授(英国Leeds大学)
报告摘要:The elliptic lattice KdV system was introduced in [Nijhoff & Puttock, JNMP vol. 10, Suppl. 1 (2003) pp 107--123] as a multi-component generalisation of the lattice potential KdV equation (also known as H1), associated with an elliptic curve, and which reduces to the latter equation when the curve degenerates. A number of properties are retained from the H1 equation: multidimensional consistency, existence of a Lax pair, multi-soliton solutions, etc. However, a number of key properties of H1 brea

Frank W Nijhoff,英国Leeds大学教授。1984年于荷兰Leiden大学获得博士学位,洪堡学者,1994年起任职于英国Leeds大学,曾担任Leeds大学应用数学系主任。Nijhoff教授长期从事离散可积系统的研究,是国际公认的离散可积系统领域的领军学者。Nijhoff教授在离散可积系统的直接线性化理论、多维相容理论、Lagrangian多形式理论等方面具有开创性贡献。Nijhoff教授长期担任离散可积系统国际系列会议SIDE (Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations)指导委员会主席,同时他还(曾经或目前)是可积系统领域多个重要期刊主编或编委。自2011年起,Nijhoff教授多次访问中国,对于离散可积系统在中国的发展具有重要贡献。